With the philosophical logic of Medieval Europe, they say to us that does not exist an absolute time or a common point for report on the measurement of time. Without they understand well, they say to us abstractedly, time is relative. These their aspects do not prevent to think about an age of the universe, that is to say about a time interval which is common for all things if not for entire the Universe…The maximum limit for the speed, as is the speed of light, does not a common limit for a multitude of different things? Different things are moved with different speeds comparatively each one from other.
The “Big Explosion” take place permanently and the material Universe permanently is created everywhere in the disturbed free space, from its smallest dimensions, by its microscopic " explosions ". The Universe was always complete and never was created. Not only it is not absent, but on the contrary, the cosmos that is absent is useful immediately in order light, heat, radio-waves and structure of matter to exist, by which we are presented as some separate biological bodies in space and time! The free space is the full Universe that researchers seek before the moment of a Big Bang and participates in the structure of matter by wave phenomena, that are caused by the perturbation of its balanced energy. Therefore, the smallest thing is met with gigantic world not only externally... <•> Quantities of energy that correspond to separate particles in structural elements are maintained by certain rates and fluctuations of energy. They are not stagnant (motionless) quantities of energy, that have been extracted and bound in same precisely moment where the all remainder particles in nature are presented. The phenomenon of instant decrease of energy (with the fastest rates of fluctuation) explains the phenomenon a lot of together structural elements exist in the Universe, after with the same fast rates the decrease is compensated. |
κοσμολογία, cosmology, in
German: Kosmologie, in Italian and Portuguese: cosmologia, in France:
cosmologie, in Spanish: cosmología, in Russian: космология, in Chinese: 宇宙论, in
Hindi: ब्रह्मांड विज्ञान (), in Turkish: kozmoloji, in Swedish and Norwegian:
kosmologi, in Arabic: الكوزمولوجيا علم الكونيات , in Hebrew: קוסמולוגיה
φιλοσοφία, philosophy, in German: Philosophie, in Italian and Portuguese:
filosofia, in France: philosophie, in Spanish: filosofía, in Russian: философию,
in Chinese: 哲学, in Hindi: दर्शन (tattvadnyaan), in Turkish: felsefe, in Swedish
and Norwegian: filosofi, in Arabic: الفلسفة , in Hebrew: פילוסופיה
on 2024-09-30.
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