The phenomenon of inertia is located and stabilized with origin by invisible wave phenomena to the free space, with energy fluctuations and exchanges at frequencies up than of light. The "mass" mathematically is connected to a speed of reduction by the maximum speed c of hf fluctuations. This relation is simple: C/V=Mmax/M (Karamihas's equation). The smaller sum of reduction is presented initially with the inertia of electromagnetic waves, while if the speed in the flow of energy (to free space) is decreased more, then it has the inertia of particles. The quantity of decreased speed somehow is connected with the gravitational field because this decreased speed V=MC/Mmax =√(GM/λm) comes out as centripetal speed from the relation with the constant G of gravitational field, as we see. The constant G in the microscopic changes regulates the proportion that is decreased a maximum and centripetal speed c (in wave motion of free space). The free space is with a minimal and simultaneously a biggest length limit. The structural elements, which exist as oscillations of its energy, constitute points of meeting for the limits of the Universe. The exceptional rates of fluctuations with which are maintained the structural elements constitute intermediary values (averaging) in the insuperable (min - max) limits of change in the balanced energy of free space. The structural elements are created with the meeting of insuperable and opposite limits, that is to say. These same are a relative beginning and the ending of a wave activity, that it creates and maintains Universe: such as it complete and simultaneously as it absentee, with the phenomenon of free space. The activity with which the complete Universe is presented in a minimal time interval (such as material elements) is simultaneously an activity, with which the Universe is maintained as absentee for a maximum time interval, that is to say, such as free space. The structural elements are not static quantities and it is explained: They are fluctuations and exchanges of a constant energy, that has a perturbation in the shortest time intervals. This ascertainment allows to us to conclude, that the quantity of energy that is presented as separate particles in structural elements isn't a constant quantity, or a quantity that permanently is absent or busy from the things. It is not a quantity of energy which is extracted for a long time. Perhaps, it is not presented precisely in the same moment with all other quantities of energy, by which all structural elements in the Universe are created, so as these quantities are shared in the wide extent of the free space. |
κοσμολογία, cosmology, in
German: Kosmologie, in Italian and Portuguese: cosmologia, in France:
cosmologie, in Spanish: cosmología, in Russian: космология, in Chinese: 宇宙论, in
Hindi: ब्रह्मांड विज्ञान (), in Turkish: kozmoloji, in Swedish and Norwegian:
kosmologi, in Arabic: الكوزمولوجيا علم الكونيات , in Hebrew: קוסמולוגיה
φιλοσοφία, philosophy, in German: Philosophie, in Italian and Portuguese:
filosofia, in France: philosophie, in Spanish: filosofía, in Russian: философию,
in Chinese: 哲学, in Hindi: दर्शन (tattvadnyaan), in Turkish: felsefe, in Swedish
and Norwegian: filosofi, in Arabic: الفلسفة , in Hebrew: פילוסופיה
on 2024-09-30.
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