

Theory on a complete time and the relativity of energy
(A unified theory about time, space and matter)


 The close relation between mass and speed of electro­magnetic waves (7)

©2010 ISBN978-960-93-2431-1  |  ©2012 ISBN978-960-93-4040-3

Attention! Exist translational errors


Now, we will apply the previous formulas of Newtonian Physics in the minimal masses (of rest mass) where we detect in microscopic dimensions, according to our information from modern physics. I warn you, that here we will observe relations and recreate the formulas, somehow at random sequence and selectively, like a philosopher observes the phenomena and their relations, without limitation at the things and without focus in isolated phenomena. Older, in order a tape to reads the stored data on a magnetic tape, the tape was should to pass in first from the previous data with only one singular sequence. With digital technology of store on the optical disc, the data are found with different sequence every time, without block the search of correct data, in this random search.


Immediately now, we will see what force F we find with information from the sub atomic world. We don' t search the numbers but we research if exist some relations and what relations exist between of phenomena, that we recreate them with the formulas and correspond a quantity. In order to we observe the relations, will use the data for the identity of an electron.


For an electron with mass: Μe: 9,10938 ·10-31kg


equation F electron in length planck | 3,3743 x10^-2 N


equation F electron error


equation F electron from Mplanck | 3,3743 x10^-2 N




equation F planck | 1,21058 x10^44 N




We observe

2 equations with Newton law in the particles


If we attempt to say, the force of attraction between two masses Mplanck = 5,45624 ×10-8 kg in distance of length λ is equal as the force of attraction of two particles that have wave length (Compton λ=h/M c) same as length λ of distance, but in the less distance of Planck's length (of the Mplanck). Naturally, here we have not clarify for what length λ we speak and this constitutes part of problem that we will solve. Because mass Mplanck is presented essentially in the formulas that give masses of other particles according to relation c/v = Mplanck /M, somebody can easily consider or suppose, that it is always the same quantity of mass Mplanck that is altered and theoretically from the reduction of this maximum mass are are changed the relations F, V, a, λ and t. Thus as to they are maintained the constants c, h, G (with which results the theoretical mass Mplanck.



Also we can find energy E = M c2 from the Newton's relation :



equations about Energy from Newton's law


An example:

E = G Mpl Mpl / λe = G 29,7705 ×10-16 / 2,4263 ×10-12 = 19,8644 ×10-26 / 2,4263 ×10-12 = 8,18711 ×10-14 J    in other formulation = Me x c2


For Mpl = 5,45624 ×10-8 kg  and  λe = 2,4263 ×10-12  




In the above relations we observe and work :


equations F  length^2 = G Mpl Mp = h c = 19,864 x 10^-26



equations F r^2 = M1 M2 G





Finally are in effect the following relations :

h c/λ = G Mplanck^2 / λ =Ε


equations F electron 2ways | other equations





V = sq root (G M / λ) = λplanck / T



From the relation V = √(G M/λ) = λplanck / Tm

we can observe the speed V that results for each particle (and it is faster when is more its mass, until maximum c for mass Μplanck) this speed results with the stable length λplanck but in different time/period Τ.

An example.

For mass of one electron is results :

V = √G M /λ → (6,6725 ×10-11 ) × (9,10938 ×10-31 ) / 0,24263 ×10-11 = 250,5145 ×10-31 → √25,05145 ×10-30 = 5,0051 ×10-15 m/sec

The same speed result from the relation V = λplanck / Tm  → 0,40508 ×10-34 / 0,809329 ×10-20 = 5,0051 ×10-15 m/sec


► When, however, we put the length λ witch we find from the relations λ = h / M c = c / fe  = 0,24263 ×10-11 m  

then the speed results the maximum c for all particles always, independently from their mass. That is to say λe / Te = c


forefinger Even a person that is not a physicist can be to observe a lot of relations and to advance in order to correlate them with all combinations. The physical constants c, h and G are connected between them and appeared in sub atomic world with same decisive role. The gravitational force (that is expressed from the constant G and was considered that is the weaker force) is required in order to the known numbers of physics are result. The constant G is appears as a decisive pheno­menon such as is decisive the phenomena of acceleration/­deceleration ±a and speed V. With an off-hand mathe­matical investigation, somebody can be observe, that the constants c, h and G are con­nected obligatorily from each other and that they are presented as result by such changes, in according with certain insuperable and immutable limits.


The dimensional content of the constant G (that reflects a regular rate in change of speed in function with the gravitational force and distance) :


Length3 / Mass x Time2  | or in units  m3 / kg sec2  


G = l l l / M t t = l V V / M = a l l / M


G M = j V V = a l l


With what length l, what speed V2 or what acceleration ±a, the gravitational constant G results according to the previous "fracture " of the constant G ? For facilitation in the expression we will take for sample the data of an electron.

Answer: If we take like length (l) the length λ (compton) = h / M c  then  V2 = G M / λM 

For example: V2 = G 9,10938 ×10-31 / 2,4263 ×10-12 = 25,0514 ×10-30 m2/sec2

       G = λ V2 / M = 2,4263 ×10-12 × 25,0514 ×10-30 / 9,10938 ×10-31


If we take acceleration a = c2 / λ = λ f2  then the length  l2 it must length λ (compton) of Mpl Planck's mass, that is to say λpl = h / Mpl c = 0,40508 ×10-34 m.


For example: a = c2 / 2,4263 ×10-12 = 3,7042 x1028

      G = ae λpl2 / Me = 3,7042 ×1028 × 0,164089 ×10-68 / 9,10938 ×10-31

or    G = λpl c2 / Mpl = 0,40508 ×10-34 × c2 / 5,45624 ×10-8

applied the relation ae λpl2 / Me = λpl c2 / Mpl


Finally, in order to the gravitational constant G remains (same) in the Newtonian formulas, when the Newtonian formulas are applied in microscopic dimensions and without are violated the other constants h and c, it should the sizes change accordingly with the following formulas.


G = accel length planck^2 / M = length V V / M



<•> A minimum length λpl = h/Mpl c = 0,40508 ×10-34 m  or correspondingly

       a maximum quantity Mpl = 5,45624 ×10-8 kg

are hided back of all relations in that appeared the gravitational constant G

G = 6,6725·10-11 m3 /kg·s2


These relations claim the following relations :


C / V = Mplanck / M


M = V Mplanck / c = V^2 λ / G


All the above relations and multitude of other relations are need and lead to the immediately previous simple linear relation of Vangelis Karamicha. This physical relation, thus as it was formulated with the simplest mathematic relation is important in the presentation here, and not the numbers and relations, that are acquaintances from their separate use.

From the above relations, we can see that the maximum mass Mplanck results for highest speed c and, according to the equations, when the speed is c then the length λ is minimal. If we search more, then we will find that the previous relations do not conflict with the famous Einstein's equation for the relation between mass with speed [Μ = mo / √1 - (v2/c2)], but on the contrary they correct this equation, inserting minimal and maximum limits in the change of speed and mass.




forefinger However, where is found the so-called Planck's mass [Mpl =√(h c /G) = 5,45624 ×10-8 kg] that results theoretically since three physical constants c, h and G? Is it a quantity of mass that exists really? The investigation for the answer to this question reveals the close relation between phenomenon of mass with energy of electro­magnetic waves and the change in their own motion…



www.cosmonomy.eu  1st publication on Earth





Simple relations of physics, which the most capable researchers use them in order to solve the most tangled mathematic problems and find solutions in the impasses of modern physics, these relations should they had been supplemented and delimited by professionals physicists. A lot of decades were lost and now, a philosopher reveals that simple formulas of physics could be supplemented of a medium education student!










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