Subtitle: How the natural laws and forces are applied. The fundamental concepts for a rational Cosmology (Cosmonomy)
Two digital books
(A unified theory on time, space, matter and intellect 1986 - 2021)
The complete and rational answer to the questions about how nature works and what its limits are, with observations on the most obvious natural phenomena and with common language that everyone can understand, beyond all expectations. The complete and clear answer to the questions on the beginning and limits of nature, without fairy tales, without poetic expressions and imaginary properties. On the contrary, the most complex phenomena have been explained by the simplest and most general. The triumph of rationalism and perhaps the greatest research achieved by a single person to solve cosmological problems.
One of the greatest "secrets" of nature:
balance, waves, opposing forces, feedback and repetitions at extremely high rates.
Keywords of Nature:
Disturbance of
balance and reset balance
particles and waves, atoms and space
core and periphery, surplus and reduction
in a shared quantity that looks like free space
How nature works as a whole, how its laws are enforced and where they begin, and if nature has limits, these questions could not be answered only with knowledge of physics and astronomy, as it turns out and explained. It is not necessary to have sufficient knowledge of any particular thing for a first answer to these cosmological questions and the right direction of this research. Nature as a whole does not work only with processes that are occasional from place to place and day to day. It has laws and procedures that are universal, that is, for the whole of nature (and therefore with duration in time). The necessary knowledge for cosmological research inevitably includes some issues of the logic of thoughts and the rules of reasoning and expression. The explanation of fundamental physical phenomena is already within the most general concepts and in reasonable conclusions. Knowledge about nature as a whole is not knowledge of any particular thing. The first concepts and observations on which cosmology is founded as a science and direct such a research refer to essential attributes of things and prerequisites of their existence.
* Nuclear force, particles, electromagnetic field, gravitational field and structure of matter are phenomena produced and maintained by the variation of one and the same amount of energy (which distributed and balanced looks as a natural space). These phenomena are decisively differentiated from the rate of fluctuations and their direction. (This is unification!)
If you are not a physicist: For now, do not expect to learn convincing answers from a book or any other educational or entertainment production. You will gain knowledge about a multitude of things and in every detail from reliable websites, from countless books and of course from your study at educational institutions. Educational preparation will be useful and necessary. But nowadays, you will not find anywhere else the brief knowledge of how nature works and is preserved. If you do not choose to make sure with blind confidence listening to what some experts say, then prepare psychologically and educationally yourself. Do not wait to learn the answers completely carefree and relaxed.
" This theory should be not assessed as if it were only a physics theory of academics or as if it were only a philosophical theory. The professors will realize, that the cosmological theory contains physics but the mathematical tools used are of a low-level and so, inadequate. The professors of philosophy will realize that it is a tedious theory being mixed with physics, while this was not necessary. Neither the ones nor the others would understand this cosmological theory."
|A| Pages 552 | 21.00×29.70cm (A4) | L3.5 – R3.5 – T2.5 – B3.0 | TNR12 | ©2021
|B| Pages 144 | 21.00×29.70cm (A4) | L3.5 – R3.5 – T2.5 – B3.0 | TNR12 | ©2021
>>> The cosmological theory in two digital books (552 + 144 A4 pages) without graphical environment free only for educational and informational reading. No for any commercial edition. Read serenely clear text at another time, without losing the order of pages.
"Big Bang" in Cosmology: With the cosmos present as a complete total (and constant energy quantity) that seems like a free space. The physics... of nature >>>► The fundamental thoughts and relations for the interpretation of nature.[*] The universal physical constants and the mathematical limits in physical changes. How a multitude wave phenomena by oscillation of the space produce periodic motions and forces and create the building elements of world (matter) with the fastest rates of nature (after their deceleration). Nature with the whole cosmos as present and not in our imagination as if the cosmos were missing. |
COSMOLOGYOVER THE FIELDS OF PHYSICS AND ASTRONOMYThe physical interpretation on structure of the Universe and matter not only includes many solutions to theoretical problems and answers for curious people. Its consequences are not confined to the research field of physics and astronomy.
Physicists interested in cosmological research will prepare for the remaining formulation with the most complex mathematics. The research of the highest level has been unsuccessful and misleading and this is revealed with "a woeful level of physics" and with common concepts of logic! The digital books will be sent free of charge by e-mail. Interested readers can request the books via the online form or by sending an email directly. The form is here or send mail:
ISBN 978-618-85170-1-1 (set) |
Treatise on the structure of matter and the
Universe. How the physical laws and forces are applied Available books that are offered only when requested |
SECOND VOLUME 144 pages A4 LIFE AND MATTER. Short answers to big questions |
ISBN 978-618-85170-2-8 |
©2021 |
ISBN 978-618-85170-3-5 |
It's available > |
PRESENTATION OF THE COSMOLOGICAL THEORY (fundamental thoughts and conclusions in 166 lessons) |
©2023 |
21.00×29.70cm (Α4), 17.60×25.00cm (Β5), 14.80×21.00cm (A5)
An integrated / comprehensive Answer, namely:Moral / Psychological Rational Political Cosmological
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COMPLETE UNIVERSE - DYNAMIC SPACE - WAVE PHENOMENA. How the natural laws and forces are applied The Big Pitfalls of Experience - The "small explosions" of indivisible space
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What they didn't think in Physics and Philosophy... with common words
If the Ethics of inner / spiritual orientation is not a Science! >>>►
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