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Shorter answers are impossible…

(Answers on the base of the cosmological Theory of a Complete and Stabilized Universe. Look about this theory in ENTRY)


The " Theory of a Simultaneous Total Universe " allow us to answer in questions that it could place even a child. In some questions that resemble as stupidities and no one could not answer. Exist explicit and reasonable answers and that why is demonstrated that the questions were not pointless.


1 - Did need the Universe was so much big, with innumerable stars and galaxies that exceed in number the grains of sand of beaches on Earth? What does serves, the Universe is big so much or infinity even ? 

the answer

 2 - Does the total of things as united, namely the Universe, have a beginning of existence?

the answer

 3 - If the Universe has a beginning of existence, then how, when and why it did begin? It will have an end?

the answer

 4 - Why time is relative and what it should we mean?

the answer

 5 - In other words, we would have asked: Why do exist instability, change, difference and why all do have a beginning and a finish?

the answer

 6 - What is matter and what its relation with composition and substance and with the Universe? How all things are created from simpler elements?

the answer

 7 - Why all things are related from each other, they have common elements in space and time and they can are developed? Particularly, we can dare this question: Why mathematics can be applied with success in natural things?

the answer

 8 - How and why the space is related immediately with things and time?

the answer

9 - Why motion isn't possible beyond a limit of speed and why matter is an active substance (with form of energy)?

the answer

 10 - Why matter isn't divided endless as quantity or without its quality is remain same?

the answer

 11 - Why we observe phenomena as circularity, periodicity, resemblance and stability in space and time, despite their differences?

the answer

 12 - Why the total amount of energy does remain same (equable), despite its transformations in various other forms?

the answer

 13 - What the relation between material interactions with life and soul? What is the place of life and specifically of human in so much enormous Universe? Does the cosmological knowledge give us possibility of answering about question if a God exist, what his relation to the world and if our life does finish forever?

the answer

 14 - Does exist, therefore, a God, where, how, also who is the role of his existence?

the answer

 15 - What is the phenomenon of life and how is connected with (inorganic) matter? What the relation of (abstracted space and time) material interactions with inwardness?

the answer

 16 - Does life continue after of death or without matter?

the answer

17 - What is the instinct of self-preservation?

the answer

 18 - What are the senses and sentiments?

the answer

 19 - What is intellect and its relation with all life? In general, how this does function?

the answer

 20 - What is (its role) death? Is it the final end of our life?

the answer

 21 - Why life does finish? It could become differently?

the answer

 22 - If a first birth and final death don't exist, then why we didn't remember or discover nothing from our previous lives?

the answer

 23 - Cosmos and particularly human life for what do exist?

the answer

 24 - Why do exist unfairness and misfortune and what the role of God?

the answer

 A lot of phenomena are explained in general with the basic concept of the Theory of a Complete (Total) Universe and many empiric discoveries of physics consequently are result (through rational analysis of notions), as are:

the answer




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