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The Universe as a free space participates in the structure of matter with wave phenomena













The foundations of the visible world rest upon the physical space


In the '80s it was made clear to the mind of a young man via the most primary and simplest thoughts in the world, that time corresponds to changes in the things and that time does not have a meaning without the things. Then the " big explosion " in thought quickly took place, that gave birth to the philosophical theory, which he later named "Theory of a Finished Time or Complete Universe and Relativity of Energy": The Universe should have been completed and stabilized inside the limits of a longest time interval. It is a complete Universe with all the possible ways! The Universe was not created after an external connection to structural elements or to a quantity, but contrarily: The structural elements is this same Universe at the beginning of its creation as it is realized in the minimal (shortest) time moments. The beginning of the Universe is not out of the Universe!

The immediate and complete Universe exists already in a total time (maximum time period Tuni) but it exists relatively as a finite free space and as a constant quantity of energy for all this, which can happen indirectly with the material carriers, which exist as fluctuations of this constant quantity. The total energy of the Universe (Euni) exists simultaneously relatively to all the individual material things, it is a fixed quantity and it is thus presented as equivalent and isotropic in the form of a finite free space. The free space is the total energy of the Universe in equilibrium and when this equilibrium is disturbed, then fluctuations are induced until it returns to the equilibrium state. Forget particles like balls and as separate things. This thought of tiny balls misled the investigation of the creation of the nature and prevents all people from understanding what happens in the microcosm. It would be better to imagine the particles as tiny vortexes in a uniform quantity. The free space "flows" at the speed of light to cover those points where the energy is reduced. This centralized flow of free space is detected as gravitational field and as motion of material bodies. But the existence of the flow means that energy is detached somewhere beyond and so it is reduced again and this process is repeated at the fastest rate of the nature. Thus, apart from the energy concentration which we detect as a gravitational field, we observe the continuous flow of energy compensating for the new reduction, such as the motion of particles (provided, that the particles are not hindered by other forces and resistances).


A smaller thing touches the astronomical world not only externally· that is to say, it is not connected only to the exterior and separate parts of nature. It is not connected only to the obvious phenomena such as the shift, the transfer, the collision and iner­tia. All things are independently of their dimensions connected directly to a common quantity in smaller (microscopic) lengths. By this common quantity they are main­tained as fluctuations of same energy and quantities of energy are exchanged (at faster paces and synchronized) there permanently in depth. A gigantic body neither is farther away than is a particle relatively to the full Universe nor is different in sub­stance. Both are results of stabilized exchange of energy that can be realized in a short time or in a slower time interval and with continuity. The empty space has always the role of a balanced quantity and a carrier for the trans­fer of kinetic energy. That is the reason why motion is never absent from the particles and nature.


|SET| ISBN 978-618-85170-1-1,

|A| ISBN 978-618-85170-2-8,

|B| ISBN 978-618-85170-3-5



authenticity stampCOMPLETE UNIVERSE - DYNAMIC SPACE - WAVE PHENO­MENA. How the natural laws and forces are applied. What they didn't think in Physics and Philosophy... in last centuries.

A rational and unified theory on time, space, matter, forces and structure of the Universe. The nature and the physical phenomena are explained by a total amount of energy (in equilibrium), which was logically identified with the free space and by rapid fluctuations of this constant energy, which were logically identified with particles and matter. The complete and stabilized Universe is appe­ared as a free space! The reading and printing of the treatise can be easy without graphic enviro­nment from separated files (as are the PDF). >>>►







atom"Big Bang" in Cosmology: The cosmos present as a complete total (and constant energy quantity) that seems like a free space.

>>> The fundamental thoughts and relations for the interpretation of nature[*] (with all individual things). The universal physical constants and the mathematic limits in the physical changes. How a multitude wave phenomena, by the oscillation of the free space with the fastest rates of nature (and with their deceleration), produce periodic motions and forces and create the building blocks of the world (matter).











Some characteristics of the wave change with ordinary vocabulary

1) Wave motion is not like the unobstructed move of bodies within the free space.

2) We notice disturbance in something that was balanced.

3) Resistance to disturbance causes sharp stimulation and change of position (somehow a shock).

4) A new shift phase follows and a relay process are repeated.

5) If the disturbed medium/carrier contains separate quantities, then these quantities are affected and oscillated at a rate.

6) The balance of the carrier is re-established unless it is somewhat impeded, as when the cause of the disruption remains.

7) The properties of the wave carrier determine the velocity of waves and at which rate its waves can be produced.

8) The cohesion of the disturbed carrier facilitates the synchronization of many disturbances.

9) Synchronized fluctuations may be stagnant or alternate and may be repeat in the same way.

10) The rate of wavy change and its repetition implies mathematical proportions.

11) Some contrasts are created and repeated in proportion to the beginning and the end of the repeated fluctuation.

12) Many waves can be amplified or weakened by one another.

13) Waves can be generated (and follow one another) with a different angle, even rate.

14) Small deviations in the rates or intensity of the waves can convey these deviations to the things that take their energy.






planet EarthThe 1st publication

circular function bang!COMPLETE UNIVERSE AS FREE SPACE







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Eventually, there was no need to look back in time and find a single source and a beginning for what followed. The world as a complete whole is the alone beginning to explain the existence of physical laws. So purely, without choosing individual elements, without we refuge in fantasies, without despair that brings the thought about an infinite progression past. All these difficulties disappear, and only one remains: how the Universe achieves to regulate the individual developments and how do applied the laws to all phenomena... so that the totality (of all things) seems incomplete and always unfinished! The answer can not be given without understanding how the physical space associated with the structural elements (as wave phenomena).



scientific instruments



compass in brain

sense organs

*The materialistic way of life is ingrained in fantasies and lies, not in self-awareness and coincides with an egocentric lifestyle and mindset. Selfishness, bias, nonsense and paranoid spirit are other aspects of the materialistic way of life and perception.


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