A blow to religion, a brake on science
A lot of widespread views (mainly religious, political, sociological, psychological) that had ignore the potential solutions of the cosmological conundrum or did not take them into account will be eradicated. The cosmological answers will cause more amazement and overthrow with their impact on issues related to the human logic and thought. Particularly for the skills and weaknesses of a specialized intellect, questions about educational system, about leading role of thought and information in everyday life, about the observation into thought and imagination, about the lasting relationship of life with ignorance and imagination and for human possibility to makes deceit as a science. The immeasurable power of thought and imagination (good and bad both) for life and the advantage of human logic to shorten and generalize thoughts, to find rules and to be organize the information will be affirmed. Even the simplicity of many issues will be disclosed for which people were not interested in being answered, but to remain controversial. The indifference of people will proved overmuch and provocative, as opposed to their excessive certainty for many things that imagine more than they know, and in contrast to the most difficult solutions they gave to demonstrate their cognitive abilities and to serve interests. If we live in an unbalanced society with difficulties in understanding, by exploiting human needs, by abusing advantageous status, by imagining expectations and many tragic mistakes, for all these are ultimately responsible the indifference, arrogance, selfishness and over-certainty. Silliness and overestimation also incite to hasty, unnecessary and reckless actions and motivate people to external search for meaning of life, that is, in the world of senses and with fantastic expectations.
Cosmology will causes amazement, agitation and mixed emotions because life as an inner phenomenon is explained in most close relation with intellect and the intellect
A blow to religion, a brake on science
as a trait of the complete Universe, which is entire present in microscopic dimensions· while we perceive the complete cosmos as absent, of image of an immense and dark space (without inertia and mechanical motion)! Finally, it will be confirmed that a life without thought is pointless, while life with thought focused on perceptible things is misleading and accidental life. Cosmology is one pillar of knowledge which is needed for people to agree on issues about a common reality and not to easily believe in lies and imaginary worlds and not to have disagreements and thereby not to have enmity because of their imagination and mistakes! If the author has provided solutions where other more capable researchers have fail, it is due to his persistent, vigorous, multifaceted and long-term effort, which was motivated by a moral / spiritual response within such a society of reckless, oppressive, hypocritical and selfish people. Selfish people who only think about affirmation of their "ego" and are ready to do everything to survive. This moral dimension of his spiritual effort satisfies him more than any his theoretical success and writing of books.
► Eventually, there was no need to look back in time and find a single source and a beginning for what followed. The world as a complete whole is the alone beginning to explain the existence of physical laws. So purely, without choosing individual elements, without we refuge in fantasies, without despair that brings the thought about an infinite progression past. All these difficulties disappear, and only one remains: how the Universe achieves to regulate the individual developments and how do applied the laws to all phenomena... so that the totality (of all things) seems incomplete and always unfinished! The answer can not be given without understanding how the physical space associated with the structural elements (as wave phenomena).
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