How the research fields were divided for the books
Attention! Translational errors exist
A Complete Universe as Free Space and the Inner Direction as a Universal
Constant (Cosmonomy)
Books with original, multifaceted and enlightening content (books to be translated) have included in one Digital Edition (more than 4500 printed pages
A5). A treasure of thoughts will induce us to think for a lot of years, with the most little expectations. Everyone will be convinced, that
the philosophy did not die yet and on the contrary is upgraded and modernized!
The most advanced cosmological theory of the structure of the Universe and matter with entire rational analysis of
thoughts has been methodically unfolded and worded in Greek language and divided in three books. The physical interpretation of the structure of the
Universe and matter began in '80s decade from fundamental phenomena, with few general principles and rules of reason*, ordinary vocabulary and with
thoughts and observations that anyone can appreciate, without being a teacher or a researcher in a laboratory. But this rational interpretation
succeeded in directing the research to the right questions, unifying many issues by revealing the fundamental phenomena and how they are
differentiated. Providing rational solutions and answers in language of physics, introducing necessary mathematical equations and first calculations
that confirm physics interpretation. Particular issues that usually emerge through random observations and discoveries and are explored with the most
up-to-date technological instruments and as if they were clearly separate in nature are presented simplified through rational thinking. The
fundamental processes of nature are revealed by such simplification along with a multitude phenomena and discoveries that published for first time and
they explain the conservation of natural laws and energy. In the
long run, the issues were not confined to physical phenomena and to a cosmological interpretation, and every expectation was exceeded. But issues were
separated and thoughts settled as required by rational research so that consistency and priority in the questions are not lost (before the thinking
advances into more complex issues). The answers to how nature works and what has as its essence and what is the beginning of life
have been simplified such as all people would like to hear and will upset physics and human views about Life and World, forever!
* Rational
thoughts that is: Thoughts with a method of downgrading needless information, with method of abduction inference (abductive reasoning) and with
deductive reasoning through only one principle. Physical phenomena are revealed as they exist combined in the world as totality and dependent by few
fundamental functions.
in GR
Much of the three books was translated into English for the
presentation of the entire cosmological theory in a single book
◄ The fundamental thoughts and relations for the interpretation of nature (with its variety).
Volume I in Gr language
A rational and unified theory on time, space, matter and forces. What they didn't think in Physics
and Philosophy... with common words. A cosmological theory that begun to formulated in decade of 80's with the
fundamental thought of a universe into a maximum time lag, in which the universe is the same and stable with all
possible ways, forever. Nature and physical phenomena are explained by a total amount of energy, which was
logically identified with the free space and by rapid fluctuations of this constant energy, which were logically
identified with particles and matter.
◄ The universal physical constants and the mathematic limits of physical changes.
Volume II (concisely and choicely in Gr language)
The unified theory on time, space, matter, forces and investigation with initial information of physics. The extension
and application of fundamental relations that were formulated in the 1st volume, for calculations according to the
information of known physics. How do the speed of light is associated with the negative inertia of the free space and
how a multitude of wave phenomena are caused at most fast rates and they are appeared otherwise between them and
finally, they shape structural elements which are summarized in the word "matter". The simplest calculations
(for high school students) under the guidance of the rational interpretation of the structure of the nature and matter
reveal the wave principle of the structural elements, that is, that they are oscillations and wave phenomena.
Pages 302 | 14.60×22.00cm (~A5) | On FEB/09/2012
Investigation and calculations. They have been
translated and included in a separate book.
◄ A unified theory on time, space, matter and intellect. Volume III (separated in Gr
Exceeding the region of physics… One than the bigger overthrows that the cosmological theory of "a complete and
stabilized - inside a max period - Universe" brings it is, the phenomenon of life is connected with the known natural
laws for first time and doesn't remain broken away such as a precipice without bridge in a split (material -
intellectual) nature. The keyword is: timing of structural elements (synchronization) with the dynamic participating of
the complete Universe, where is realized relatively via the free space. The close relation between soul with
mind and timing of the structural elements and all these together with the Cosmos as simultaneous Whole which is offered
as shared and balanced energy (in the form of a free space).
|| Pages 420 | 14.80×21.00cm (A5) | AUG. 2013
Thoughts from this unpublished book have been
translated and included in a separate book as a second volume that complements the first.
(The unified theory of time, space, matter and
intellect in English. An overview of above 3 books and an improved resume).
This theory should be not assessed as if it were
only a physics theory of professors nor as if it were only a philosophical theory. The professors will realize, that the
cosmological theory contains physics but the mathematical tools used are of a low level and so, inadequate. The
professors of philosophy will realize that it is a tedious theory being mixed with physics, while this was not
necessary. Neither the ones nor the others would understand this cosmological theory...
THE PHILOSOPHERS AND PHILOSOPHY ◄ Spirit, God, matter and Universe in
Philosophy. Quick retrospection and
annotation in the philosophical efforts
since the
antiquity until today.
Philosophy, religion and faith. After last thoughts and newer
answers in cosmological questions...
This book (in two volumes) focalizes on an up-to-date Ethic for spiritual orientation and has
prospect as a world manifesto, because Ethic is presented as science and not need the imagination of religions. Many necessary and fundamental thoughts
are synopsized in four clusters of issues, that lay the foundations for a moral life, with administration of thinking and having into account the
natural laws that restrict the human possibilities (that is to say, an Ethic that don't ignores the natural laws, the reality and cosmology). This
Ethic is unified with rational, impartial and exploratory thinking and fixed on inner values (virtues) that give us reliability (intellectual or mental
Ethic). Without an unbiased and research thinking, without honesty and awareness of our ignorance for things, without proper information
and appreciation, human life can not be calm and drifting into unjust and pointless action. Thoughts extend to sociological and political issues linking
global ethic with trust and co-operation.
THE GLOBAL ETHIC OF INNER ORIENTATION. Subtitle: The complete universe participates inwardly in processes ◄
The contemporary Ethic with inner destination (in conjunction with the human thinking) radically
is supported with simple thoughts for the natural restrictions of life and unified with natural laws (that is to say, an Ethic that don't ignores the
cosmology). This part separated as a volume for technical reasons about dimensions and price of the book. The universal Ethic with straight role of a human spirit for itself is complemented in this book with thoughts and findings about the nature for everyone who
don't hesitate in order to transcend the theoretical confines between related issues.
without self-knowledge is normal, but not moral ◄
The fundamental aspects and necessary considerations for a global Ethic. The complete treatise
span a multiple number of pages. The publication of entire book in a large number of copies and written in the Greek language is costly. On the side of
a reader, it would take most time to reads and understands it as a whole, and moreover so that his thoughts would not be lost on some lines
that would draw his attention. The treatise for the permanent relationship between human life, action and thinking, consolidated as a modernized Ethic,
independent of religious views, it has the prospect of a global manifesto. Religions degraded by global Ethic with spiritual orientation. But also, the
excessive expectations of the Science are being restrain abruptly and the writer reveals, how the spiritual weaknesses are offer advantage for any
deception and thus the injustice in human relations reproduced.
Subtitle: Information, knowledge and deception ◄
Selection and summaries on the relationship of information with life, from the book titled "The
Global Ethics of Inner Orientation" and the subtitle "Human Fantasies and Lies Without Self-Knowledge". Introduction to the Global Ethic of
Spiritual Orientation. The development of sciences, the ease of information, the world experience and educational system have not extinguished
foolishness and unreasonable views from society. Instead, they have also reinforced reactive and immature views. Instead of more doubt, they cultivated
an illusion of best knowledge, allure human spirit with rewards, and encourage hasty estimates and efforts. It turns out that knowledge is approaching
imagination, and these two almost coincide particularly when thoughts are externalized with oral speech. In this finding, we conclude not only with a
description of how knowledge is formed, but also of everyday experience of human behavior (megalomania), which is interpreted by mistakes, lies,
paranoia, and
◄ Subtitle: Theory of a complete time and relativity of energy. A unified theory on time, space, matter and intellect.
The first philosophical book that published in January 2000 written in Greek (GR publication,
Dodoni Editions, pages 448, ISBN 960-385-019-5). In this book, many fundamental concepts are formulated in first time -
between other main questions of Philosophy - that are important for the rational investigation of nature and will
appraise them a reader who has such an interest. Nature is rationally and abstractly described and many natural
phenomena are explained by a total amount of energy, which was logically identified with the free space and by rapid
fluctuations of this generic energy, which were logically identified with particles and matter. Without calculations and
mathematics, by the method of
productive reasoning (deduction and abduction reasoning) and proof by contradiction (reductio ad absurdum) such as few great
philosophers had perceived and exploited rational thinking, without the sake of a work and the limitations of a
specialty. Modern researchers despise to think so generally and they have not such an interest or ignore this rational method of thinking.
The first thoughts are formulated in this book and
advanced on the key issues of philosophy, which further unfolded and clarified in the above separate books. Under what
conditions this book "The Theology of Science" was written would be another interesting book ...
THE PREVIOUS EDITIONS (limited editions)
What they didn't think in Physics and
Philosophy... with common words
► Intellect (or spirit) has not greatest opportunity than of knowing, of maintaining itself as an end in itself and for forming its self-knowledge. Self-knowledge is the meaning of happiness, the essence of logic and the aim of ethic. The egocentricity and delusion solely these themselves are the biggest destruction without any action, and they are immediately related with surrender in fortune. Life without intellect is non-existent and without self-control and self-knowledge it was, is and always will be and everywhere in the Universe an insufficient and unsatisfied life, a self-deluded, seduced, and randomly life and a life with aimless action, despite any other possibilities, that we can imagine.
mark of correctness and consistency of each theory: Theory not only describes or explains a phenomenon, but it answers also in queries that this same causes.
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Philosophy. Philosophy & reality