The physical space as a shared amount of energy. The maximum speed c is related to a force that restores balance. The presence of particles is
related with certain delay in restoring the balance of free space.
Structural elements are maintained and have their mass and radius by energy that they remove from the common quantity and
constantly restore it.
The constant speed c, which is demanded in physics to be the same for all observers, is the speed of
the variation of the free space. This speed c is the same for the whole Universe and the same electromagnetic phenomena and the same particles
begin with a slowdown. (16.1, p248)
This association of the three universal physical constants shows with numbers that the structure of
matter are fluctuations in microscopic space which begin from a maximum speed and the fastest pace. Therefore, the close relation of structural
elements is confirmed by wave proceedings in microscopic dimensions of the free space (22.1, p286)
The wave change in the energy of the space is a fluctuation of a quantity, which takes place in the
minimum possible time for the minimum quantity and in a multiple time for a multiple quantity of fluctuation. (23.2, p291)
When particles and small quantities of mass are presented, in this case the space does not have the
minimum resistance and delay, which would allow the waves to transfer their energy as electromagnetic at the speed of light (...) Instead, the space
behaves like a “bad” load and the transmission of wave energy is blocked or delayed more, shows increased resistance and energy is forced to
"vibrate" and alternate as trapped. (23.4, p301)
Only in the case of particles and the structure of matter the free space appears to behave like a wave
trap. For this reason, we estimate that for the structure of matter the electric and magnetic fields alternate so that their propagation is impeded
and they are somewhat forced to oscillate as if a barrier were created by such fields. (23.4, p302)
At the shortest wavelengths and at the highest rates of fluctuations, the amounts of electromagnetic
energy are presented as particles, which, in order to be stabilized, the return of the free space to its equilibrium state is somehow needed to be
prevented. It is needed that the free space stops being "free". (24.0, p318)
The presence of particles is related with certain delay in restoring the balance of free space. (28.3,
the insurmountable and opposing limits of the Universe, ie, the relative start and end of a process with
waves by which the Universe straightaway is recreated and maintained, are counterbalanced into the structural elements: This occurs as a complete
whole (with its energy in equilibrium) and synchronously as absent, with the phenomenon of free space. (26.1, p333)
the Universe is constantly self-recreated relatively indirectly by the structural elements, in
microscopic dimensions, whereas this as a whole exists directly and relatively simultaneously in the form of the free but finite space. Structural
elements, free space and radiation in general are inseparable phenomena (26.1, p334)
In simple equations we have found (at §16)* that electromagnetic phenomena and particles begin with a
deceleration of the maximum speed c. If visible light has an inappreciably reduced speed than the maximum c (almost c), we wondered what natural
phenomenon exactly has maximum speed c? Prior to the mathematical investigation of the boundaries of nature, it was concluded from the rational
interpretation that the reduction of maximum speed occurs in a shared amount of energy that appears to us as free space. What natural phenomenon is
happening to the structure of space exactly at maximum speed and we do not observe this motion? This is a global natural phenomenon, since the
creation of electromagnetic phenomena and particles is associated with it. (27.1, p373)
After a more detailed description of the energy disturbance and observing how the physical quantities
decrease and increase, we see that the maximum speed c is related to a force that restores balance. A universal force keeps the energy of space in
balance and generates waves in direction where the energy is concentrating and at maximum speed c. Any disruption of this universal force generates
the e/m waves where are propagate in opposite direction (of decentralization), because the shared energy is immediately concentrated at maximum
speed c until it returns to equilibrium. A quantity of energy h∙1Hz returns to equilibrium at the minimum time tmin ≈10^-42 sec for a disturbance of
1Hz and this minimum quantity of energy corresponds to a minimum inertia of Mmin ≈10^-50 kg. An amount of energy h∙10^20 Hz returns to equilibrium at
a time te ≈10^-23 sec for a disturbance of 10^20 Hz and this amount of energy corresponds to an inertia of Μ≈10-31 kg (about one electron). (27.1,
The role of the free space reminds us of the role of a radio signal carrier. The carrier signal of a
radio transmitter (for which most electricity is spent) is an unmodified signal, a waveform “empty” of information. The carrier signal acquires this
valuable attribute when properly transferring our information and this is achieved by different methods and by using appropriate devices. The
carrier signal can transfer information if its frequency or phase or its amplitude are modified or it can do that digitally with some newer methods.
(...) This example from electronic technology is the most appropriate example of our experience to simulate how the constant amount of energy
fluctuates and associates itself with the quantities that appear as structural elements of things. (27.2, p384-5)
Distance, delay and radius are three fundamental properties of the free space, which regulate the time
for the transfer of each energy. (28.2, p396)
The absence of light is not the absence of any change in the energy of the free space. (...) The
presence of particles is related with certain delay in restoring the balance of free space. When space is disturbed and is free, it returns
unhampered (regularly) to its state of balance and the amount of energy per minimum time is offset. This process ceases to be regular when the
energy being carried can not come back in the minimum time in order to return to its original balance and if the energy returns at a slower pace.
(28.3, p399)
The global space is pulsating. But space does not pulsate slowly and in astronomical lengths, as if it
were created in the distant past and from zero dimensions. (...) However, local disturbances occur and it is maintained by rapid procedures that
restore equilibrium. (...) The fluctuations of the shared amount of energy are extremely short and the space fluctuates in microscopic lengths.
(...) the wave motion of the space occurs at length less than an atom and at the highest rate. (...) We estimate that this length approaches the
wavelength of the equilibrium mass and it is less than 10-13 m. (28.4, p402)
the whole space pulses at a tiny length (of radius) and in an extremely short period and the total
amount of energy has momentary fluctuations. (28.4, p403)
28.5. The free space has no center, it is the common center, the core for material things (p405)
Structural elements are maintained and have their mass and radius by energy that they remove from the
common quantity and constantly restore it. From the beginning, the structural elements have their mass and radius because they draw energy from the
common quantity where appears as their space and a corresponding length of space is binded and adapted to the structure of matter. The gravity
constant G is result of this process to the shared energy of the space which includes attenuation of the maximum force and deceleration of the
maximum velocity in perturbing waves. (28.8, p418)
We can see the constant G from microscopic processes with simple equations: G=c^2·λpl /-Mpl = h·c/-Mpl^2
= h·f·λ/-Mpl^2. If the minimum length in the first equation increases, then the maximum inertia -Mpl must also increase. Given the limits, this is
not the case. Only the speed c can be reduced so that G is kept constant. In the second equation also only the speed c can be reduced, if the amount
of total inertia or the energy h·f changes. Also, let us not forget that the maximum speed c of these microscopic phenomena is related to the
alternating fields as summarized in the equation: c= 1/√(μ0 ε0). (28.8, p418)
The force of restoring balance exists before any particular body, and this is power of the complete
Universe by which is maintained and presented as a universal space. (29.0, p419)
With the rational explanation now more extensive, among other conclusions we conclude that this global
space is the surface of a super-whole (which is not only externally present). The common quantity that appears (geometrically and externally) as the
absence of a world does not only have its large dimensions and the capacity in astronomical bodies as its feature. The common and balanced quantity
that appears as free space does not only appear externally and geometrically. It also appears with long-distance force phenomena and as a global
common center in tiny dimensions. (29.0, p419)
The astronomical world is maintained by nuclear power somewhat weakened and free space is the weakened
field. (29.0, p419)
The space is pulsed by the disturbance and restoration process (29.2, p422)
Nuclear force is due to the equivalent mass of the entire Universe, and this force is maximized from (or
to) the minimum possible distance of free space and along a periodic feedback process. (29.2, p424)
The average values of the complete Universe are maintained by fine fluctuations that produce the basic
particles of matter as separate from each other and their kinetic energy. These fluctuations of the mean values of the change in natural phenomena,
these minimal deviations appearing with the corresponding proton and electron particles, are variations of the amount of the whole energy (of the
free space). (29.3, p425)
Nuclear force, particles, electromagnetic field, gravitational field and are phenomena within the
structure of matter produced and maintained by the fluctuation of the same amount of energy: the free space. These phenomena are decisively
differentiated from the rate of fluctuations that cause them and from their direction. (29.3, p425)
the explanation of the maintenance of the global balance and the free space cannot be completed without
explaining how a maximal force works to maintain (and regulate) the natural world, which has the same structural elements and a shared amount of
energy. (29.4, p429)
The volume and maximum distance of the free space reveal how weakened the nuclear force can be. (29.5,
The maximum force is applied as if the total amount of energy were an equivalent amount of mass. We do
not expect to see this amount of mass as a compact astronomical body. At the same time, the bodies of the physical world are not externally
connected to this maximum force and, on the contrary, they detect it
as attenuated. (...) this force is only detected by the approximation between them.* (31.7, p471)
Excerpts from the treatise continue on the next page >>>
UNIVERSE - DYNAMIC SPACE - WAVE PHENOMENA. How the natural laws and forces are applied. What they didn't think in Physics and Philosophy... in last
A rational and unified theory on time, space, matter, forces and structure of the Universe. The nature and the physical phenomena are explained by a total
amount of energy (in equilibrium), which was logically identified with the free space and by rapid fluctuations of this constant energy, which were logically
identified with particles and matter. The complete and stabilized Universe is appeared as a free space! The reading and printing of the
treatise can be easy without graphic environment from separated files (as are the PDF).
Bang" in Cosmology: The cosmos present as a complete total (and constant energy quantity) that seems like a free space.
The fundamental thoughts and relations for the interpretation of nature[*] (with all
individual things). The universal physical constants and the mathematic limits in the
physical changes. How a multitude wave phenomena, by the oscillation of the free
space with the fastest rates of nature (and with their deceleration), produce
periodic motions and forces and create the building blocks of the world (matter).
* In simple equations we have found (at §16) that electromagnetic phenomena and particles begin with a deceleration of the maximum speed
<·> So that the equation Μ = mo /√1 - (V^2 / c^2 ) does not give an infinite increase of mass but the maximum quantity of Mpl = √(h·c/G),
the speed V must not be precisely equal to c. For result of maximum mass Mpl if the mo = Mmin = 0.737248 ×10e-50 kg the speed V must be almost equal to an
approximation that easily reveals how much the detail is important in nature. A minimum mass Mmin has ratio 7.40082 ×10e42 to the mass Mpl. That is, if the
minimum mass Mmin is multiplied by this number then it will not exceed the maximum amount. The denominator √1 - (V^2 / c^2) must not be zero, but must be 1 /
7.40082 ×10e42.
<·> So that the equation Μ = mo /√1 - (V^2 / c^2 ) does not give more increased mass than the maximum quantity of Mpl, if the mo ≈ Mpl
the speed V must not be precisely equal to 0. For result of maximum mass Mpl = 5.45624 ×10e-8 kg the speed V must be almost equal to an approximation that
easily reveals how important the detail is in nature. The denominator √1 - (V^2 / c^2) must be very close to 1. Speed V cannot be lower than ≈ 0.405080 ×10e-34
Summarizing if Mmin = 0.737248 ×10e-50 kg and Mmax = Mpl = √(h·c/G):
M = Mmax V/c where V = (c Μ / Mmax) = √(GM/λm) = (f·λmin)
Mmin = Mmax √(c^2 - V^2)/c = Mmax (0.405080 ×10e-34 ) /c
Mmax = Mmin c /√(c^2 - V^2 ) = Mmin c / (0.405080 ×10e-34 )
In the equation: M = Mmin c /√(c^2 - V^2 )
If √(c^2 - V^2 ) = Vmin, then → M = Mmax
If √(c^2 - V^2 ) ≈ c, then → M = Mmin
1st publication
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Eventually, there was no need to look back in time and find a single source and a beginning for what followed. The world as a complete whole
is the alone beginning to explain the existence of physical laws. So purely, without choosing individual elements, without we refuge in fantasies, without
despair that brings the thought about an infinite progression past. All these difficulties disappear, and only one remains: how the Universe achieves to
regulate the individual developments and how do applied the laws to all phenomena... so that the totality (of all things) seems incomplete and always
unfinished! The answer can not be given without understanding how the physical space associated with the structural elements (as wave phenomena).
The materialistic way of life is ingrained in fantasies and lies, not in self-awareness and coincides with an egocentric lifestyle and mindset. Selfishness, bias,
nonsense and paranoid spirit are other aspects of the materialistic way of life and perception.
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